The Techcamp promoted by EBN under the theme of Smart Cities Innovating Sustainably takes place in Toulon from 27th to 29th of the current month.
This event, promoted by the EBN - European Business Innovation Center network, has about 80 participants representing companies and Business Innovation Centers from the various countries and regions. The main goal is to share knowledge and good practices among participants, where the concern for sustainable development of cities and countries is the the common denominator of the participants.
Megacities such as Mexico, Beijing, New Delhi, Tokyo, New York and São Paulo (with more than 10 million inhabitants) represent an emerging phenomenon that results from the concentration of population in urban areas that conditions a whole system of infrastructures and services. There are already 23 around the world.
These large urban centers are also associated with major challenges that require efficient and intelligent measures. The whole innovation ecosystem of the regions and their start-up communities need to be at service and aligned in the proposal of solutions to the most common problems of the urban environment, such as traffic management and accessibility, urban waste and energy management, social inclusion, among others.
There is a new cycle of analysis in which a holistic approach to the medium and long term is essential, firstly, to make a lucid diagnosis of the territory and to recognize where and how to intervene. Both models, the analysis and the implementation of measures, imply intelligent governance that combines technology and community as synergistic instruments of change. This new approach implies a redefinition of the value proposition of modern cities to guarantee the well-being of its inhabitants, based on the pillares of sustainable development. There are certainly no perfect cities, but there are good cities to live in, where societal, technological and economic trends are timely matched.