Lagoa Smart City 2020


The auditorium of the Science and Technology Park of São Miguel once again hosted the Lagoa Smart City event, promoted by the Lagoa City Council.

The opening session was attended by Bruno Pacheco, Regional Director of Science and Technology, Cristina Calisto, Mayor of Lagoa and Arnaldo Machado, Chairman of Nonagon's Board of Directors.

The smart challenge of Smart Cities is the formation and empowerment of citizens through the use of tools that contribute to improving the quality of life and citizens performance as agents of a society, said Bruno Pacheco.

The theme of the first day was dedicated to the "Mobility and Connectivity Challenges", whose main objective was the dissemination of the ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) theme in local administration and municipal services.

"Smart Tourism" was the central theme of the second day of Smart City Lagoon, in order to sensitize the population, companies and local living forces to a more innovative tourism better integrated with the environment, providing a higher quality tourism experience.

Parallel to the event, a Business Exhibition was held with the presence of companies related to the theme, namely: Atlantic Bikes, Atlantic Vacations, C.M.Lagoa, Azores Fibrenamics, Globaleda, Ilha Verde Group, J.H.Ornelas, Moniz de Sa, Multic, Norma Azores, PT Empresas, Pureza Notória, Tetrapi, T.I.COM, TTS Lab and VR Solutions.

  • Tecnologia K – Epsilon Street, N.º 2
    9560-421 Rosário - Lagoa
  • +351 296 249 400
  • +351 965 985 090

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