The Nonagon Association - Science and Technology Park of São Miguel and the Regional Fund for Science and Technology, within the scope of the implementation of the Azores Digital Innovation Hub (AzDIH), signed a cooperation protocol with the Digital Innovation HUB of the Canary Islands.
This is a strategic protocol that aims to regulate cooperation between the parties in order to enhance skills and synergies that reinforce the scope and objectives of AzDIH's performance.
Encourage, through innovation, the digital transformation in start-ups, SMEs and the business community in general, motivate, together with the entities of the Scientific and Technological System and the Agents of the Quadruple Helix, the adoption of the guidelines defined in the Digital Europe Program and promote good practice tools in innovation and digitalization are some of the assumptions of this partnership.
The action and expertise of the Canary Digital Innovation HUB is of importance for the implementation of AzDIH.