Nonagon hosts the first Digital Innovation Hub in the Azores


This morning, the Science and Technology Park of São Miguel received the public presentation of the Azores Digital Innovation Hub (AzDIH) and the signing ceremony of the Partnership Agreement of the founding nucleus of this first Digital Innovation Pole in the Azores.

The presentation of AzDIH, made by Natália Silva, from the Regional Fund for Science and Technology, and by Tomás Ferreira, from the Nonagon Association, marked the beginning of this session.

This Digital Innovation Pole, which will be based at the Science and Technology Park of São Miguel, will have the main competence, through innovation, to promote digital transformation among start-ups, SMEs and the business community in general. It is intended, with AzDIH, to stimulate initiatives in areas of competence of the Digital Europe Program, namely in Artificial Intelligence, High Performance Computing and Cybersecurity.

After the presentation, the Partnership Agreement comprising the Nonagon Association and the Regional Fund for Science and Technology was signed, as promoters of AzDIH, and the Ponta Delgada Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as representative of the Enterprise Europe Network, by the Azores School of New Technologies, by the Azores Tourism Observatory and by the University of the Azores, as founding partners.

AzDIH, in addition to the founding partners, will ally with strategic partners, whose expertise will strengthen the quality and diversity of services to be provided to Azorean companies, such as INESTEC - Institute of Systems and Computers Engineering, Technology and Science , the National Cybersecurity Center, COTEC PORTUGAL - Business Association for Innovation, NEST - Tourism Innovation Center, the Collaborative Laboratory in Digital Transformation Association - DTx, the Digital Innovation Hub of the Canaries, Ubiwhere - Research and Development Software Company and Altice Labs.

The session ended with the intervention of representatives of the various partner entities: Arnaldo Machado, by the Nonagon Association, João Lima, by the School of New Technologies of the Azores, Carlos Santos, of the Azores Tourism Observatory, Mário Fortuna, of the Chamber of Commerce of Industry from Ponta Delgada, Gabriela Queiroz, representing the University of the Azores and Bruno Pacheco, for the Regional Fund for Science and Technology.

“The Partnership Agreement we signed today aims to promote and streamline the operation of a Digital Innovation Pole in the Azores, with the intention that the various entities that make up the founding consortium, act in concert and cooperate in order to provide this Pole of Digital Innovation of skills that allow it to play a unique role in the digitalization of the Azorean economy ”, said Arnaldo Machado, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nonagon Association.

Digital Innovation Hubs, are one-stop-shops that help companies become more competitive in production processes or service development through the use of digital technologies, providing access technical knowledge and spaces for experimentation, so that companies can “test before investing”.

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