The Nonagon Association – Science and Technology Park of São Miguel, represented by its President, Teresa Ferreira, and by the collaborator Cristina Ponte, attended, by invitation of Novo Banco dos Açores, the ‘’ESG Azores Forum 2023’’ event.
This event counted with the presence of national and international speakers, was promoted by GRACE and organized by FLAD and Novo Banco dos Açores and had as theme ‘’Sustainability at companies: main challenges’’.
Nonagon shares the same vision and, in 2017, made a public commitment to work not only in a more sustainable way, but also to collaborate in positioning the Azores as a sustainable destination.
Grace was one of the entities responsible for the 4th edition of the training ‘’Sustainability- A Corporate Journey’’ which the Nonagon were part of, in February, after being one of the Azorean organizations selected to receive a grant from FLAD.