The Nonagon Association - Science and Technology Park of São Miguel, promoted, this afternoon, a Webinar under the theme “Measures and Procedures to be adopted when returning to work”.
This Webinar, started with a brief overview by Arnaldo Machado, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nonagon Association, counted on the intervention of Ilda Batista, Regional Labor Inspector and two technicians from the same entity.
The representatives of the Regional Labor Inspection shared with all participants a set of measures that must be implemented, complied with and monitored by all entities, in order to mitigate the possible contagion by COVID-19.
The webinar “Measures and Procedures to be adopted when returning to work” was attended by about 30 participants from Nonagon's business community.
At the end of the session, those present had the opportunity to see their questions clarified by the Regional Labor Inspector.