The Azores Digital Innovation Hub (AzDIH), coordinated by the Nonagon Association, will collaborate, from November 27 to December 2, in the realization of Agrisland Hackthon, an online event organized by the Canary Island Digital Innovation Hub (CIDIHub) that aims to create digital solutions that support the agri-food sector in the European islands (mainly in Madeira, the Azores and the Canaries).
This Hackthon, which also has the support of the Digital Innovation Hub of Madeira (Madeira DIH), that will provide participants with the necessary tools for the solutions that are selected to reach the market successfully.
Students, programmers, engineers, designers, business and project managers, anyone with an open and creative mind with is interested in boosting the agri-food sector can apply until November 25th.
“Improving the competitiveness of the agri-food logistics chain through the optimization of communications between the actors”, will be the great challenge of this Hackthon that will have training sessions, round tables for discussion and with the support and personalized accompaniment of experts and mentors.
The contest participants, in addition to the networking and learning provided by this experience, will be competing for a prize of € 10,000, consisting of 12 months of specialized mentoring in creating business to develop the project, 6 months of coworking, participation in a program to design products and services optimized in UX, among other amenities.
Hatckathons are traditionally technology development marathons that are based on the initiative of volunteers to develop specific software or free projects that are innovative and usable.
Agrisland Hackathon is an initiative financed through the call for proposals “RESPOND” of the SmartAgriHubs project, with the objective of mobilizing the ecosystem and proposing digital solutions that face the crisis caused by COVID-19 and its impact on the agrifood sector in the general.