NONAGON - Science and Technology Park of São Miguel, is present in a virtual way, through the Azores Digital Innovation Hub, at the International Smart Destination Fair (FIDI) from 20 to 29 November.
The stand for FIWARE FOUNDATION will be attended by several iHubs partners essentially focused on “Smart Destination and Tourism”, where the Azores Digital Innovation Hub will be inserted.
The program of this International Fair will also include the intervention of the Chief Techonology Office of Tetrapi Creative Solutions - a company based in NONAGON, Milton Moura, who was recently accredited as a “Fiware Expert” and that will elucidate those present about the work that has been developed by Creative Solutions in the Smart Cities area.
For 10 days, companies, innovative entrepreneurs, academic authorities, institutions, professionals, students, influencers, tourism service providers, civil servants of international tourism and technology and non-governmental organizations, will share their knowledge and experiences on the model of intelligent destination at the International Smart Destination Fair.
FIDI aims to be a disruptive, digital and innovative exchange space, with a view to revolutionizing the way technology and tourism events are conceived.