Opening of the new NONAGON building is a milestone for the technological future of the Azores


"We are opening the door to the future" was the statement made by the President of the Regional Government of the Azores, José Manuel Bolieiro, at the inauguration ceremony of the Information and Communication Technologies Business Center of the São Miguel Science and Technology Park.

Accompanying José Manuel Bolieiro were the Vice-President of the Regional Government of the Azores, Artur Lima, the Mayor of Lagoa, Cristina Calisto, the Regional Director for Science, Innovation and Development, Flávio Tiago, and the President of the Board of Directors of the Nonagon Association, Teresa Ferreira.

Inaugurated yesterday, this second NONAGON building has new components, such as a FabLab, new meeting rooms and common spaces, as stated by the Regional Director for Science, Innovation and Development, Flávio Tiago.

During the inauguration, José Manuel Bolieiro said that this second building represents "an ecosystem of opportunities for science, innovation and development", which will attract young entrepreneurs to the region, "attracting talent and business".

Teresa Ferreira, President of the Nonagon Association's Board of Directors since 2021 and a member of the leading members for more than 10 years, said that the inauguration of another building in the São Miguel Science and Technology Park "reaffirms a commitment to supporting innovation and technological development in the Azores".

The ceremony was also attended by members of Nonagon's non-executive members and representatives of various public and private organizations.

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