NONAGON opened its doors to welcome more than 300 students who gathered here to celebrate the opening of UNESCO Art Education Week.
At the invitation of the Unesco National Commission, the EBI of Lagoa, together with other schools, planned a day full of activities developed by the students to kick off this celebration.
The day began with a performance by the Lagoa EBI Music Club, followed by the official opening session.
After this, it was time for the 1st and 2nd year students from the Lagoa EBI, Água de Pau EBI and Novas Rotas School to take to the stage. This moment ended with a performance by the string quartet from the Ponta Delgada Regional Conservatory.
The morning part of the event ended with the presentation of plays by the 3rd and 4th grade students from EBI R. Ivens, EBI de Lagoa and ES de Lagoa.
After a break for lunch, the pre-school students from the EBI of Lagoa and EBI of Água de Pau watched a performance by the group Canta comigo, Leia contigo! which brought the event to a close.